Events Update

CHANGE:  We have had less than anticipated applications for the match as of today June 17 th. I am postponing the match until September 12th. All of the info is the same except the date. New date again the September 12th. I will update the entry form on the events page also. Kent.

I have placed the applications for the Garand and Vintage rifle matches on the events page. time is getting close for those events.
Stay tuned for more info on an August open house and fund raiser for the proposed range move.
It has been a nice spring and people have been using the range and honing their skills. The gate can be tempermental and once the ground stabilizes again we will attempt to get it working right.

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Winter / Spring shooting

We have had a very mild winter so far ( I know it’s cold now) but no snow to speak of and shooting last couple of weekends has been great. We know the gate is a little fussy and will have to get to it this spring when things thaw. Check the Events page as the Garand Match and the Vintage Match are back again this summer. Keep and eye out for a fun 22 team type match I am trying to develope and other events that will give you an excuse to be out on the range. Get out enjoy the longer hours of daylight and sharpen those skills. I have put the Swap Meet page into the public view. It was a members only page but if you did not rmember the password you could not see it. If there are concerns or if you want to put it back the other way. Contact the webmaster and let me know.


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New Keys:

From Steve Skolnick:
I finally have the new keys to the range. This year the locks will be changed on the 1st of October. I will start mailing the new keys to you. If you get an application in the mail that means your membership has expired. If you wish to stay a member please fill it out and mail it back to me and then you will get a new key mailed back to you.. Sorry for the delay on the lock change. The locksmith had to order more blanks so we had enough on hand. If you have any questions please call me or email me Via the contact page. .

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Vintage Match

Our first Vinatage Rifle Match went well, just minus a few shooters. Great weather and good fun. Check out the shooting gallery for more picture.

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Vintage military match update.

I have uploaded the application and rules for the Vintage military match on July 19th. Please go to the events page, check it out and if you want to enter download the form fill out and mail. It will be a fun shoot.

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Map of Daves Creek prposed transfer

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Please contact KPB in favor of land title transfer.

Hello Cooper Landing Gun Club Members:

You have a couple more days to get letters of support to the State concerning a land transfer within parcel #408C to the Kenai Peninsula Borough for future gun range relocation. The relocation will benefit both the Cooper Landing Gun Club Members and community of Cooper Landing:

Development of the new range will allow for safer and expanded designated shooting areas for all firearm users
Current gun range will be removed from residential areas
Will provide a more central location to increase gun club membership to residents of Seward and Moose Pass, while providing for a safe, convenient location for Cooper Landing residents

This is only the beginning of support needed to relocate the range. We have a 20 year lease with the Cooper Landing Community Club at our current location. The process will take many years to achieve even if the land transfer is completed. The current range will continue to operate until another location is acquired and developed.

Please make your comment to the State of Alaska via email to and support the land title transfer for a gun range in section 408C to the KPB. Your comment is needed on or before June 2nd.

Thank you again for your support,

Cooper Landing Gun Club

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Land Transerfer–Comments needed

Gun Club Members:
The State of Alaska has agreed to make a special exception to the Kenai Area Plan and transfer land to Kenai Peninsula Borough with the specific intent of that land being used for our local gun club. It is VERY IMPORTANT that our gun club members submit comment on the State’s website about this preliminary decision because you cannot comment on the final decision unless you have entered comment on it now. We need to demonstrate our support for this land selection. Your comment is needed on or before June 2nd. If you have questions, please contact me so that I may help you with this.

Please make your comment in support of the land title transfer in section 408C to the KPB via email to:

Thank you for your time and immediate attention to this matter,

Laura Johnson
Cooper Landing Gun Club

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NRA Range Evaluation

Here is a copy of the NRA Range Evaluation Report. It has some interesting items. The main points are that we are doing a good job with our “strict” rules and controls of our range.

Range evaluation report

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New Waiver-membership form.

There is a new waiver form on the Join the Club page. Please download, read, sign and mail back to the club. This is part of the new 20 year lease and affects all members. Thanks Webmaster.

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