Swap Meet log in

For now to open the “swap Meet” page type in 9998. That is the Temporary log in password. I may unprotect it in the near future. Webmaster.

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New Range Procedures

There are some new range procedures that are now required as part of our new lease. You should have recieved them via email from Steve. If not there is a downloadable version in the Join the Club page.  Please sign and return ASAP, and while you are at it why not renew your membership?
There are some new items in the “Swap Meet” page so check them out.
Remember to get out and polish your shooting skills.

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Clear Skies and Good Weather — Go Shooting

The snow is gone, the range has been mostly de-brushed. (thanks Terry Rude) so now is the time to get out and polish up those shooting skills that have gotten rusty over the winter. There are days that the range will be closed for events and classes so please check the events page to know when things are happening. We don’t want you to plan a day to shoot on a day when the range is closed. Better yet, look at the events and see if you would like to participate.
We are working on a new 20 year lease with the community club, as soon as it is finalized I will post it here. Thanks to all of the community and club members who put in a lot of hard work getting the details straightened out.

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We need members support!

C.L. Gun Club is currently seeking title to the land it has occupied since 1948. The
land is currently owned by the Cooper Landing Community Club. We are on the
agenda for the November 7th, 6:00pm meeting at the Cooper Landing Community
Club to discuss transfer of title to the Gun Club. This would remove the C.L.
Community club from the gun range liability and give the Gun Club more access to
grants for improvements to range. We are hoping to receive grants to set up
environmental stewardship program for the range and improve sound abatement on
the rifle range. We need gun club member support at this meeting. If you cannot
attend please mail or email letters of support to: CLGC, PO Box 710, Cooper
Landing, AK 99572 or laurawy@yahoo.com

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New Address

As of November 15th 2012 we now have a new name and mailing address. NOTHING else has changed as far as operations go. We are now called “Cooper Landing Rifle and Sportsman’s Club” and the mailing address has changed to P.O. Box 710 Cooper Landing AK, 99572-0710. We will keep the web address the same for the time being. Remember shooting is a perishable skill so keep you trigger finger and shooting eye sharp and get to the range and practice. Happy Thanksgiving, Web Master.

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Welcome to Cooper Landing Gun Club, one of the oldest ranges in Alaska, in continuous use since 1947.  We are a members only range, but guests are welcome. The Range is open every day, 9am til 9pm summers and daylight hours during the winter.  We have a clubhouse / classroom for training and classes, Trap, Rifle and Pistol bays. Our maximum rifle distance is 140 yards and the dedicated pistol bay has 25 yards maximum. Pistols can be shot on the rifle range for longer distance. Check out our EVENTS page for what is going on and for Range closures.

Today is April 14th and the snow is going even if it is still cold.  The range has been plowed and those shooting skill that you have been letting “mature” over the winter need to be taken out and exercised. Get out to the range and  enjoy a little “Ballistic Therapy”. Be aware of the ice that is still hanging on and watch your step.  There are some events happening that you may need to be aware of just in case the range is closed on the day you might like to get out. The board has been discussing how to increase the rifle shooting distance and it would take a huge amount of earth removal to go back too many more yards but we have not ruled it out yet. We are also looking at ways to reduce some of the noise from shooting to become better neighbors to the surrounding community. If you have ideas or suggestions contact the appropriate person from out contacts page. Hope to see you on the range, Webmaster.

Today, 7- 7-2012: Summer is here (rain being the main indicator) and the range has been active, we have had a Fun Shoot, a John C Garand Match, several classes and we are just into July.   We have a women’s only class coming up July 11 and a 3 day Wing-shooting, Tactical Shotgun and an Advance Pistol class coming up in August with instructors Il LIng New and Mario Marchman. Visit our events page to find out more about these two upcoming events. Sign up now as space is limited.

Today 5-7-2012,was the end of an era so to say, the old classroom/clubhouse was burned and buried.


It is now November and the snows will start to fly. That does not mean you need to stop shooting and having fun. Bundle up and hit the range, just think no bug spry now. Please watch for icy patches that will form. The range is considering expanding the rifle range to 200 yards. We are still in the planning and cost phases. If the cost is not too much we will hope to have the additional distance next summer. Have a safe winter and keep shooting, it is a perishable skill.

If you have events or classes you would like to see at the range use the contact form and contact us and discuss the possibilities. Is there interest in a one or two day “carbine class” next summer, let us know. It would be for AR type or 223/5.56 fast handling carbines. How about a fun period correct type 2 gun match. IE, WWII, WWI, Korean, etc rifle/pistol from the same country, Russian, German, American, British etc? Let us know.



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