Good shooting weather

We shot at the range on Wednesday February 8th and it was great. There is not too much snow and the first 25 yards have been plowed. There is a plowed path to the 100 yard line. With the warmer weather and sunshine lasting longer it is time to go polish you shooting skills and have a little fun. Try 22 long rifle at 200 yards. On my 10-22 it is 32 clicks up but what a blast. Keep looking for more events to happen. There are some range closures posted for the Forest Service to do training. It is listed on the events page.

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Vintage Match Cancelled

Due to lack of entrants the Vintage Match scheduled for July 23rd has been canceled.  If there are any ideas for events please let us know. We would like to do things you, the members are interested in. Hunting rifle clinic?, 22 match? Trainers from outside? contact the webmaster, or people on the contact page.

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Garand Match

We had the Garand Match June 25th and is was a good time. We had some new shooters and the weather was great. Ron Winkelman took top honors with a score of 251/300. Steve Banse was second 233/300 and Mike Hawley shot a 228/300. Yours truly came a distant last. It was still a lot of fun and I want to thank all who participated and specifically Terry Rude for helping run the match. Looking forward to next year.

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Sunday Clean Up

Just want to let you know we are having a work day at the range Sunday morning at ten. We need able bodies with rakes, shovels, and a willing to help clean the range. While you are there helping you will discover we now have a two hundred yard rifle range.

Your help is needed so come out meet members and get dirty.


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Almost Done

The range is almost extended to the 200 yard line. Here is a picture of what has been going on. Thanks to Terry and Pat for plotting, cutting and measuring and Keith for the equipment work. We will be putting up some target stands out there but it will take some more time. 200 yard line

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Range Closed again

The Range will be closed Thursday June 2nd and Friday June 3rd for more work at the 200 yard area.

Also it will be closed Monday June 6th and Tuesday June 7th for USFS classes.

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More Range work

The range will be closed for more work at the 200 yard line May 13th from 10:00 – 3:00. We can always use a little more help.

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May and the grass is green

We just had the Friends of NRA banquet and dinner. A great big thank you To Laura and her crew for all of their hard work. It was a lot of fun there were great prizes and auction items. We caught up on friendships and gossip and everyone had great food. The Sun Rise Inn did a great job and the remodel looks fantastic. Stop by, have a meal and check it out.

The Range is going to get some brush work and push the rifle range out to 200 yards with some noise abatement work too. It will be closed off and on for a day or two during the summer. Check the events page for official times and dates. First is May 4th from 10-4.

Look for more updates on the Dave’s Creek range proposal to follow.

Get out and put some rounds down range and polish the skills that might be a little rusty after the winter. Always think safety first, eyes, ears, and what is down range.

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Almost spring?

Well it is almost spring and things have been — lets just say, less than winter. Time to dust off some of the ole smoke poles and hone those skills. Think about the coming spring and sunshine. Think about shooting some and enjoying the longer days. ( I know only about 5 minutes longer ) Keep one thing in mind though SAFETY.  Safety at the range, your personal safety and the safety of your loved ones.  Safety on the road (it’s been slick in weird places) and safety away from home, Anchorage is getting more and more dangerous.   Check out the EVENTS page as there are a fun things coming.  We are hosting a Friends of the NRA Banquet on April 30th, the flyer and information is posted there. Any suggestions for events and classes send to me, the webmaster and we will see what can happen. A 22 shoot? 2 gun Vintage  or Military shoot? It’s time to get out and see what fun we  can have. Meet up again or make new friends.

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Summer of change

It seems that everyone has been busy doing! —The Vintage Match was a no go. Just Terry and Dennis showed up so we had a nice visit and did some sighting in. The range is pretty clean and There will be some maintenance going on this Sunday. We can always use help. Don’t forget the Garand Match in September. time for getting those shooting skills sharpened up for hunting season, and check your bore for spiders!

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