The Smoke is Back and the RANGE IS CLOSED

With the fire still coming our way and fire crews working the Bean Creek trail we are CLOSING THE RANGE. The safety of the crew and due to lack of visibility, air quality, pending evacuations and such we feel it is only prudent to close the range. We will keep you posted when this will change and reopening the range is feasible.

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Well the Smoke has cleared

With the little bit of rain, it seems the smoke has cleared and shooting is good. Hunting season is coming up so now is the time to get out and polish up your shooting skills and work on that favorite loading for your winter fare.  If you like a little challenge try a 22 rimfire at two hundred yards, open sights or scoped. It is a lot of fun.

There are a a small group of us that try to keep the steel up and running and it is frustrating that there is also a group that try to shoot the chain, cable, posts etc. Let’s try to keep our shots on the targets and not the stands please. Have a great day at the range.

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A quick video of the new range under development

Here is a quick video done by By Brandon Anderson of Alaska Aerial Technologies ( and Edited by Janessa Anderson of Adventure Atlas Creative ( ).  This the quick tour. From the right side of the frame you will see the three hundred yard rifle range, a row of trees then the 100 yard range then the two 50 yard ranges and to the far left will be the trap/skeet area. We have left green space to break up the area and our allotted acreage goes further to the right out of frame.  we still have a lot of work to accomplish and this range is not open for use.  We have many berms to build, stumps to bury and roads, electricity and buildings. BUT we are on our way for sure. The Friends of NRA Banquets are a huge help in funding so don’t forget to get your tickets and attend this years banquet.  Well there is a small problem, the video is too large for our site.  Here is a YouTube link But here is a picture that you can also get and idea of the layout.



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Cooper Landing Friends of NRA Banquet coming soon!

Book your tickets to our 4th Annual Friends of the NRA Banquet May 11th, Saturday at Kenai Princess Wilderness Lodge! Doors open at 4:00pm. $60 per person. Includes Prime Rib Buffet, games, raffles, silent and live auctions.

Our club has the entire lodge private for our event! The lodge doesn’t open for regular season until May 16th.

Lodge rooms are available. Call Laura Johnson to reserve a room, 907-205-0801.

We still need donations for the banquet. Anything from gift certificates, electronic gadgets, outdoor gear, chocolate……If you donate or underwrite an item with a value over $200 we will give you 2 tickets ($120 value) into banquet.

Progress on new range at Dave’s Creek is amazing! Photos can be seen on our website gallery.

Tickets can be booked on-line at Look under events in Alaska, Cooper Landing. Call 907-205-0801 for more information.

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It has been a long time since we posted new information here. Now things are  rolling and there has been a ton of work done to the new range site. We have gotten the needed timber cut and removed, a huge amount of survey work done and the slash/brush left over from the logging is being burned.  To help offset the costs we sold lumber and firewood out of the land. Last year we showcased our Friend of NRA donation check at our banquet and we are hoping to be able to do the same at this years Banquet. Here is a picture of the survey and layout of the new “regional” range.

enlarged view


It is approximately 66 acres but not all will be usable and we have by design left some green space and natural buffer zones. Also attached is a short power point done by Laura that gives a little over view of the project and how we have managed to get some of the donations to accomplish the work.  Click on the link “Range” below. In the GALLERY you will find more pictures of the new range area. Check out the little video and then look for more about our upcoming Friends of NRA banquet.   It will be held at the Kenai Princess Lodge with much more space and even rooms for those who want to make a destination out of our event. There will be more and updated information on the banquet coming up so keep looking.



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Friend of NRA huge support

The Friends of NRA have injected a huge sum, $77,000 to help get the relocation to the new range underway. Some of these dollars will also help to make us better neighbors in the mean time by putting some sound deadening materials and structure work on the rifle bay. Thanks go to Laura, Barb and Chris for all of their HARD work. 

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Our Quiet Neighbors

Some members may not realize that to the left of our land and up the hill is a very old cemetery that is still being used. Please be aware that shooting off in that direction and not down the lanes can be very dangerous.
That being said there is going to be a burial ceremony on Sunday May 27th. In respect we will be closing the range from 12:30 pm until 3:30 pm.

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Today it is SPRING!

Today is the first day of spring and it is sunny.  A small group of us have been shooting on a regular basis and the range is in pretty good shape. It would be nice if people cleaned up after themselves and policed their spent casings and maybe even took the trash out once in a while.

There is news of the new range. We have acquired two (2) twenty year leases on a 66.5 acre parcel at Dave’s creek.  (quite a bit bigger than our existing range) We will be going through design and construction this spring. We are waiting for NRA grant funds to begin the process. We will be continuing to use the existing range until the new facility is fully functional, so don’t get over eager for the new place. Thanks to Laura, Chris and many others this is happening quicker than anticipated.

One of our major supporters (financially) the USFS will be conducting training again this spring. Check out the events page for their dates of use and the range closures.

Time will tell about the Garand Match and the Vintage Military rifle match.  If you have any ideas about some fun matches contact the webmaster to see if we can make it happen.

Please don’t shoot up junk and leave it at the range. I would like to think that if you brought it in to shoot up, you could also carry it out and dispose of it. It’s funny how I have found stuff people have taken to shoot but could not pick up and carry away. We find it at some of our hiking spots and at the range. Please be responsible shooters.

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Spring Has Sprung and other stuff

Spring is here and the range is great. The snow is gone and the mud is going away.  With that the Bears are showing up so keep alert. On that note some of our clients are gearing up for training of their people. See the events page for dates of the range closures for training.  Have any ideas for fun shooting events? Let us know if you have. Challenge yourself and take you 22 out to 200 yards, it is a hoot. Please be courteous and keep our range clean. If the trash cans are full, maybe take the bag to the transfer site. There are new bags in the sheds. Don’t forget the Cooper Landing Friends of NRA Banquet May 6th,  at Summit Lake Lodge. Tickets on line at and find our event under Moose, Pass AK at Summit Lake Lodge.  $60 per person.  Tickets purchased before May 1st get a chance to win a prize!

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Cooper Landing Gun Club Friends of NRA Banquet

The banquet will be held on May 6th, Saturday at 5:30pm at Summit Lake Lodge.  We changed the venue to accommodate 100 people more comfortably.    Tickets are $60 per person which includes Prime Rib dinner, raffles, auctions and chances to win gun, gear, décor and collectibles.Tickets available on-line at look under events in Alaska.  Moose Pass.  Also raffle tickets along with the banquet tickets can be purchased locally from Kent Berklund 362-3819, or Laura Johnson 907-205-0801

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