Almost spring?

Well it is almost spring and things have been — lets just say, less than winter. Time to dust off some of the ole smoke poles and hone those skills. Think about the coming spring and sunshine. Think about shooting some and enjoying the longer days. ( I know only about 5 minutes longer ) Keep one thing in mind though SAFETY.  Safety at the range, your personal safety and the safety of your loved ones.  Safety on the road (it’s been slick in weird places) and safety away from home, Anchorage is getting more and more dangerous.   Check out the EVENTS page as there are a fun things coming.  We are hosting a Friends of the NRA Banquet on April 30th, the flyer and information is posted there. Any suggestions for events and classes send to me, the webmaster and we will see what can happen. A 22 shoot? 2 gun Vintage  or Military shoot? It’s time to get out and see what fun we  can have. Meet up again or make new friends.

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